Peter Levenda - Rise of the Nazi Cult (Pt. 2 of 2)
Forum Borealis - En podcast af Al Borealis

Did the magician Hanussen give ritual rise to Hitler's power? What did Himmler search for in Tibet & the Poles? What's the Spear of Destiny (Longinus' Lance)? What happened to Rudolf Hess & why? Did "Gestapo Mueller" have leverage on Hitler in the death of his niece? Peter continues his elaborations, touching upon such topics as Nazi connections to Islamism, Zionism, & Catholicism, the Hollow Earth, Shamballah & Agharta, the World Ice Theory, the colonial betrayal of King Faisal, Germans behind Jihadism, Nazi ties to international banksters & oligarchs, "The Business Plot" coup attempt against Roosevelt, & many other obscurities... :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * Rise of the Nazi Cult (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Peter Levenda (S01P04B) * Guest: Historian Peter Levenda ( * Recorded: 27 May 2015 * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (