Wal Thornhill - This is our Electric Universe (Pt. 2 of 2: A Modern Galileo)
Forum Borealis - En podcast af Al Borealis

In this part we examine how gate keepers in science & academia obstruct research. Some matters discussed: Why isn't science free? How is specialization problematic? Do we have collective PTSD? Why ought psychology be mandatory in science? Is science driven by media departments? How are publications & peer reviews abused? Is the corruption due to ideology, ego, or profit? Are hypothesis conflated with facts? How is EU multidisciplinary? Should science be open scource? What's Plasma? Is Big Science destructive? Who controls the censorship? What's the Van Allen Belt? How to attain innovations? Is a science court needed? + Hear how EU has created a star in a jar! :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website (https://www.forumborealis.net/contribute) gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * This is our Electric Universe (Part 2 of 2: A Modern Galileo) - A conversation with Wallace Thornhill (S07P05B) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: Physicist Wallace Thornhill (https://www.forumborealis.net/guests) * Recorded: Recorded: 09 May 2019 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © Loopus.net * This Program is part of our 7th series called THE CRISIS OF ACADEMIA (http://www.forumborealis.net/series)