How to Navigate a Low Income Month in Your Business

So, you’re having a low income month, or a few? Let’s talk about that. Welcome back to the show and thanks for tuning in. I’m your host, Lidiya, and I’ve been seeing lower numbers in my business for quite some time now. So I thought, why not record an episode about it, be real, normalize all this, and share my best tips on how to deal with low revenue and still keep working on your business and loving your life no matter what the numbers are saying. Listen to the episode below: Show Notes: * The energy of a good month in business vs that of a bad one * What the low income actually means * Taking your power back by sharing your numbers * Finding the lesson in the low numbers * How to run your business with a regulated nervous system * Choosing the path less traveled * What to do during a low income month Transcript When money is flowing in, we feel good. When the revenue is growing, we’re doing our best work, we’re inspired and motivated to work on new things. It may feel like this is the new normal. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean easy. There are challenges with this too. The big months in your business can be the scariest ones. It’s  when your might realize that you’re now responsible for managing all that money, there’s anxiety that you need to keep up but don’t know where that same income will come from next month. Then you even start having new problems, because every new level you reach in life brings different issues. And you gotta learn how to navigate them. That’s a whole different topic to cover, let’s leave it for another time. The point is that when money is coming in, you don’t worry about it. It’s already there, the clients, sales, payments – it’s all working out well.  You don’t wonder where the next payment will come from. You don’t log into your bank account before every transaction to see if you have enough. You don’t calculate monthly expenses, you just pay the bills because you know there’s more than enough.  You might not even do your budget that month because there’s plenty, you feel abundant and you operate from that place. This is the goal. But it’s easier to get there once the money is already in your reality. What about before that? We usually spend out time worrying about it. The energy of worry doesn’t attract anything good. In fact, it attracts more things to worry about, more lack, more scarcity. During a low income month, it’s normal to be in low vibration as a result of it. That attracts less opportunities to make money, it might mean losing a client, having zero sales during your launch, not feeling motivated to do work at all, and feeling like the bills never stop. If those same things happen during a month where you make more than enough, you probably won’t even think about. You won’t give that low energy any power.  You’ll keep showing up in your business, take care of your existing clients or students, pay the bills without feeling like you’re losing something, and enjoy your free time. The ultimate goal is to keep doing that during a low in...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Free and Fearless Podcast where we talk about having more freedom and income than you know what to do with, creating digital products that people love, and making offers that sell themselves, all while serving your purpose and living your best life. I’m your host, Lidiya, a business mentor and founder of, and I’m here to help you build your dream business and be bold and unapologetic.