30. I Learned a Valuable Life/Business Lesson Today

Key Takeaways: Pullbacks in business are a good thing, when you perceive them to be. It sheds light where you need to focus It humbles you/reignites that fire that got you started Creates empathy and perspective Forces you to callus your mind and become stronger It may even slow you down and force you to appreciate either what you had or what you’ve built. Connect with me: FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitnesssalesaccelerator/ Email: [email protected] Website: https://closers4fitness.com/ Instagram: @closers4fitness Facebook: Brent Kromer LinkedIn: Brent Kromer YouTube/TikTok: Brent Kromer | The Fitness Sales Coach

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Welcome to the FSA Podcast! On this show we teach Online Health Coaches how to sell at a higher rate and scale their business with more profit The way that we love doing that is our Sustainable Growth Model & Push/Pull Buying Process to achieve things like: ✅ C4F 1:1 Ratio, avg $1,000 earned for every 1 call booked ✅ Overcome finance, fear and spouse objections ✅ Target your message more effectively to book more calls ✅ Pre-handle objections before they ever come up To learn more about our SGM Model --> https://go.closers4fitness.com/website-sgm-model Don't forget to leave us a review ⭐️