36. Getting Stumped on What to Say Next?

Sick of wondering what to say next on your sales calls? Ever feel the conversation become a bit.... awkward? 😳 Let's fix that 🤝 Ever been in a conversation that felt like a ship without a rudder? No clear destination, no route to follow, just a collection of awkward exchanges and dead ends? I've seen it plenty of times.. In this episode, we'll discuss how the same "lack of direction" can absolutely destroy your sales success. 📋 The Sales Script Isn't Just a 'Script' 📋 Memorizing your sales script word-for-word is NOT what we recommend—instead, we're all about understanding the intention behind each step in the process. Why? Because a scripted approach can leave you sounding robotic, and nobody wants to buy from a robot. ❓ What's the Question? What's the Intention? ❓ We go further than most sales training programs. We quiz our students not just on the steps of the sale, but on the key question to ask at each phase and what the intention behind it is. Why is this important? Because if you don't know what you want the prospect to say or feel at each phase, you're essentially flying blind. 🎤 The Dance of Sales 🎤 When we say "dance," we mean the dynamic interaction that occurs during a sales call. Every phrase, every question has its own importance. When you know the steps, you can lead the dance effectively. And guess what? This is backed by data—our approach has a 60-80% success rate. Give it a listen and close more deals 🔥

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Welcome to the FSA Podcast! On this show we teach Online Health Coaches how to sell at a higher rate and scale their business with more profit The way that we love doing that is our Sustainable Growth Model & Push/Pull Buying Process to achieve things like: ✅ C4F 1:1 Ratio, avg $1,000 earned for every 1 call booked ✅ Overcome finance, fear and spouse objections ✅ Target your message more effectively to book more calls ✅ Pre-handle objections before they ever come up To learn more about our SGM Model --> https://go.closers4fitness.com/website-sgm-model Don't forget to leave us a review ⭐️