#188 – 2023 Year in Review

This is the final episode of 2023. It’s a solid episode, in which Brandon Bartneck highlights the key themes that emerged on the Future of Mobility podcast this year, as well as the biggest updates in Brandon’s personal pursuits within this field. Show notes: http://brandonbartneck.com/futureofmobility/2023yearinreview Future of Mobility: The Future of Mobility podcast is focused on the development and implementation of safe, sustainable, effective, and accessible mobility solutions, with a spotlight on the people and technology advancing these fields. linkedin.com/in/brandonbartneck/ brandonbartneck.com/futureofmobility/ Edison Manufacturing and Engineering: Edison is your low volume contract manufacturing partner, focused on assembly of complex mobility and energy products that don’t neatly fit within traditional high-volume production methods.

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Focused on the push for safer, more sustainable, more effective, and more accessible transportation, including both technology development and implementation. Technologies include autonomous vehicles / automated driving systems (ADS), electric vehicles, hydrogen and fuel cells, improved internal combustion engines, assisted driving (ADAS), EV charging, public transportation, ridesharing, micromobility, and more. Presented by Edison Manufacturing and Engineering, your contract manufacturing partner for flexible and reliable assembly of complex mobility and mobility-related products.