Ep. 066 Genre Study: JRPG

In this episode Zackavelli talks about the "Golden Age" of JRPGs and what we can learn from their design. Skip to Body of Episode: 5:25 Earthbound AVGN episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ5nX0FTH6Q&t=1191s Become a Patron: www.patreon.com/GDFG Join the discord and talk with the community about making video games! Link: discord.gg/2C8eTsU Follow Zackavelli on Twitter @_Zackavelli_ Twitch: www.twitch.tv/zackavelli_ Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCoGo58coz8d1jIjuJ8H2eKw Intro music by: Avaren Game Dev Challenge Clip by: Bastis Final Fantasy 6 Boss Theme by: Nobuo Uematsu Outro remix by: Mugamoomoo

Om Podcasten

The Game Dev Field Guide is a podcast series focused on teaching you how to make and launch your own video games. This podcast is aimed at the beginner to intermediate level of game developer. Learn things like how to make crisp movement controls, making eye catching sprites, and marketing your game for it's big release. Stay awhile and listen!