The Lesser Tech Linus, Xitter's Throttles, Crowdsourcing Security, Death by Cheese GIS800

RobChrisRob gathered together for the 800th episode of the oldest podcast on the internet and started off by talking about the controversies coming out of Linus Media Group and the Gamer's Nexus criticism piece... we followed up by talking about White House plans to crowd source cybersecurity, The Roblox Hamilton Crossover your 12 year old is dying(?) to see? The Italian Cheesemaker crushed by cheese, banks sued for dodging regulation by using end to end encryption on Signal & Whatsapp, Elon's Xitter throttling redirects to websites critical of him, the MLS Database under cyber attack, Life discovered under hydrothermal vents, a third humasn lineage, way more blackholes found at the edge of JWSTs view, and the supermarket AI that definitely suggests a recipe for chlorine gas!

Om Podcasten

Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda is a legend... like Big Foot. But less harry and more interested in science fiction and technology.