Helping Children Love Their Whole Bible :: Erin Davis [EP53]

The Bible is the most important book ever written in history. And what could be more important than teaching kids to read the Bible? Teaching kids the Bible is the single most important experience in guaranteeing your kids are successful. Today my guest Erin Davis will be talking about helping children fall in love with the Bible. Erin shares that to create a passion in your kids for the Bible, moms have to incorporate it as part of our everyday life and model it. As moms, we need to first let biblical precepts work in and through us so that our kids can see the impact of the Bible on our lives. The deeper our commitment to reading the Bible, the more our relationship with the Lord will grow. Growing in Christ is incredibly important for kids to observe and mimic. “If your children see you daily with your Bible, that is a teaching opportunity. I try to be intentional to have my Bible on me rather than using the Bible on the phone.”Jesus used stories when he taught the most important truths in the Bible. He used this approach to help people understand what He was telling them. There are unforgettable moments when God used this approach, like the lady at the well, the feeding of the 5,000 and Zacchaeus. These stories are timeless. Erin shares practical examples of how she discusses the Bible with her kids to get them to understand what it says and to fall in love with the Bible for themselves. “Just sheltering my children is not going to work. The world’s volume is getting too loud. So I don’t mind bombarding them with scriptures.”

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The Gems of Motherhood podcast features amazing gems of mothers from all walks of life. Each week you’ll hear interviews, stories, as well as resources and actionable tips that you can implement in your daily life to be the best gem God has called you to be. I look forward to walking this journey with you. Visit our website at for more information.