Is My Kid Okay? :: Michelle Nietert [EP48]

Kids seem to be in constant transition so much these days. And parents are just trying their best to keep up. Sometimes it’s really difficult to tell how a child is doing, especially if we’re not being extra aware of what is happening in their lives. My guest Michelle Nietert talks to us today about the warning signs to look for to ensure our kids are okay. “Talk to your children about small things and ask them good questions.”Michelle recalled when she asked her daughter, during a revealing conversation, “When was the last time you cried,” and her daughter’s response was “everyday for the past two weeks.” You don’t always know what goes on in a kid’s mind and heart especially if they think you’re going to worry about them.“I am seeing kids with anxiety problem who cope with it by being distracted.”We have to be careful, look at our kids and what they are doing. We’re not only looking at whether they are happy, but also trying to observe them when they’re unhappy. Good mental health looks like a peaceful state even when a kid is going through tough times. “Some of the other symptoms of warning signs is to ask if they are sleeping. When kids can’t fall asleep there’s potentially some mental health issues going on with some worry and anxiety”What we chat aboutGood questions to ask our childrenWarning signs of anxietyPhysical and emotional symptom to look for Potential stressors

Om Podcasten

The Gems of Motherhood podcast features amazing gems of mothers from all walks of life. Each week you’ll hear interviews, stories, as well as resources and actionable tips that you can implement in your daily life to be the best gem God has called you to be. I look forward to walking this journey with you. Visit our website at for more information.