Understanding Gender Confusion :: Denise Shick [EP47]

This world has a completely different point of view about gender identity than the Christian worldview. This difference causes hesitancy in many when the subject is broached. To be honest, it is such a difficult topic to talk about with adults, now think about how difficult it is to talk about it with our children. My guest Denise Shick addresses the issue of gender identity speaking about Understanding Gender Confusion. Denise shares her personal story on how her father told her he wanted to live as a woman. She was a young girl. Needless to say, she didn’t understand why and didn’t know how to process it. She only came to deal with it much later in life when she could start wrapping her mind around what her father’s decision meant. As Denise grappled with her father’s decision, she began to understand that she had to speak to her own children early and often about God’s rightful plan for men and women.  “Speak to your children in a safe environment. Talk about God creating two genders in God’s plan” Parents should share that we live in a fallen world with lots of confusion, yet God’s plan is perfect. Sharing can be difficult, so using age appropriate language is essential to getting the correct message through to our children. That message, however, has to be well studied and researched because gender confusion is not just a couple of people who don’t know God’s plan for their life, but rather it is a movement to turn God’s plan on its head. “If the parent becomes educated and understands that it comes from a Biblical perspective, they are able to explain it.”What we chat aboutTalking to children about different gendersHelping children and parents understand gender confusion

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The Gems of Motherhood podcast features amazing gems of mothers from all walks of life. Each week you’ll hear interviews, stories, as well as resources and actionable tips that you can implement in your daily life to be the best gem God has called you to be. I look forward to walking this journey with you. Visit our website at https://gemsofmotherhood.com/ for more information.