Episode 221: Navigating Loss

Getting to Good Enough - En podcast af Getting to Good Enough


Janine's father, Gene, passed away in August and she was the beneficiary of much help and kindness from her friends, including Shannon. This week, we discuss her experience and some of the things that have made navigating loss a little easier for Janine. Discussion topics include: • The beautiful fall weather that Shannon and Janine are enjoying this year • The passing of Janine's father, Gene Adams, on August 20, 2022 • The extra difficulty of losing a second parent • The intense feeling of being alone that Janine experienced after his passing • Janine's great relief when Shannon offered to drop everything and drive 4.5 hours to be with her that day • How another friend, Denise, flew cross-country to support Janine and help her navigate all the tasks that needed to be done • The somewhat bizarre visit the three of us made to the funeral home • The unique burial approach we took with Gene's ashes (it involves a basketball) • How Janine (with Denise's encouragement and help) let it be easy to create a slide show for the memorial service • The preparations Gene and Janine had made in advance that made the week after his death easier • The help Janine received from family caregivers to clear out Gene's apartment in a week • The value of seeking and accepting help during difficult times • The wonderful restaurant, Kinglet, that served up great food and kindness to Janine throughout her stay in Walla Walla • Recognizing that there is no right way to navigate loss • Giving yourself grace • How Janine got the date wrong in her father's obituary • The value of getting help from someone who is a step removed emotionally • The toll that grief can take on your brain power Visit the show notes at www.gettingtogoodenough.com to see a picture of the basketball urn and for a link to a special restaurant.

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