E107 Neo-Druidism and The Wicker Man

Gladio Free Europe - En podcast af Gladio Free Europe


2000 years ago, Roman began a campaign of suppression against the defiant sages of barbarian Gaul. Yet millennia later, these druids survive. Their memory would inspire generations of alchemists, aristocrats, alternative-spiritualists, and eventually the creators of Britain's most iconic horror film.On this week's episode of Gladio Free Europe, Liam and Russian Sam continues their survey over the druids, moving from the practices and beliefs of the ancient holy men to the generations of occultists and eccentrics who have sought to recapture their arcane knowledge. The strange road of neo-druidism winded its way to inspire The Wicker Man, the immortal 1973 picture set on an island of new-age recluses who revive their ancestral beliefs with murderous results.For over 500 years, scholars and hobbyists have pored over the scant surviving references to the pagan priests of the ancient Celts, convinced that Western Europe's first recorded wise men were key to understanding the history of modern peoples in Britain and Ireland. These scholars, looking through a kaleidoscope of ideology, all believed they could use the secrets of the druids to advance their own spiritual and political agendas. Figures like Conrad Celtis, Iolo Morganwg, William Stukely, and Margaret Murray wore the robes of the druids to advance the cause of Christianity, anti-Christianity, Jacobinism, Jacobitism, freemasonry and deism. Neo-druidic belief and ritual has been used to promote a unified British imperial identity, and to defend regional Celtic cultures against English domination. Listen to this week's episode of Gladio Free Europe to see how a half millennium of European history has shaped and been shaped by memories of the druids, the world's most enduring counterculture.

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