If Only I Were Allergic

We live in a world that has so many incredibly good things, sweet drinks, cute clothes, and way too many other things that seriously tests our self control. So what if we had a little allergy? Not death-inducing, nothing requiring an epipen. A low-level allergy that would deter us from getting too much of a good thing. If we lived in a movie, it could even be a very manly, omnipotent voice that would stop us in our tracks as we reached for one more cookie or tells us to go to bed when we’re s...

Om Podcasten

Life is messy, beautiful, heartbreaking, happy, and everything in between. It’s those moments that help shape us, give us insight into who we are at our core, and hopefully help craft relationships that will last a lifetime. Events like loss, birth, marriage, graduation and so many more are like road markers along our personal paths, and things don’t always (for better or worse) go as planned. But it’s the story and the results that define who we are - and it’s those life-changing stories that will be coming to you this January with Jaj, who recently found herself a widow with 2 young kids, and Rylee, a budding entrepreneur whose big dreams and even bigger drive are being juggled with the adventure of being a newlywed. Their stories aren’t perfect, but that’s not what we’re here for. We’re learning as we go and hopefully, coming out better than we began. Listen to “Good As New” an imperfectly perfect podcast sharing the moments that break us and build us stronger.