Emotional Divorce | Ep #122

After infidelity, the decision needs to be made whether to stay or go. But for most people, that is only half the decision. Many people go through life being physically in a relationship but emotionally out. Some leave marriages physically but cannot separate themselves emotionally from their spouse, so they don’t really move on. In this episode, I help you identify exactly where you are in your process forward. I help you know how to more fully commit to getting where you want to go so you can have real peace. This is deep emotional work, and this episode can help you understand not only why it has been so difficult to go all in, but how you can help yourself get there. Join me for my free webinar, HOW TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK AFTER INFIDELITY, on August 26th at 2 pm MST. You can register here. To learn more from me, be sure to join email list at: https://andreagiles.com/lies-about-infidelity/ Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! For transcripts and other available downloads, please visit my website at https://andreagiles.com/podcast/ © 2020 - 2023 Andrea Giles

Om Podcasten

Heal from Infidelity is a podcast dedicated to teaching women how to heal their lives from the inside out after betrayal in their marriages. Life Coach Andrea Giles combines her own personal experience and coaching wisdom to help women move past their biggest hurdles of learning to trust themselves (and others) again. She will teach you how to create a life you never dreamed possible. You’ll be amazed at what you are capable of when you learn how to powerfully help yourself. For more information, visit andreagiles.com.