66 - Is your Bacteria in Balance? The Magic of Bio-Magnetic Healing, with Sherrie Scott.

Did you know that you are riddled with bacteria, fungi and parasites, and that they may even be ganging up and working against you? I didn't know it, but my body did. I needed to get some help with my digestion, and Sherrie was able to help me clear the issue very quickly.I've been seeing Sherrie for over a year now and I feel so much lighter, clearer in my energy, and more connected to my inner knowing. No more yeast asking me for sugar, if I want sugar, I am choosing it for myself!! In this discussion I ask Sherrie about Bio-magnetic healing, how it works, and how she got into it in the first place. It's not just about balancing bacteria, this healing modality can release blocks, clear ancestral trauma, and so much more. Sherrie shares some of her success stories, we have a laugh together, focus on self-care as a healer, and chat about some of the observations Sherrie's made over the years. I hope you enjoy our discussion.Find Sherrie Scott:http://www.sherriescott.iehttps://www.facebook.com/CreativeEner...https://www.facebook.com/sherrie.scot...The Institute of Biomagnetic Therapy has training courses and practitioners listed (International ones too!) - www.biomagnetism.ie Look for Abby's latest offerings here: https://shor.by/abbylinksSupport the Show.Find out more about Abby on her website https://www.abby-wynne.comJoin her on her telegram channel: https://t.me/abbywynneauthor

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Are you a healer? You could be a healer and not even know it! If you're still reading this, you probably are! Grab a cuppa, sit back and relax and join Abby Wynne and guests as they chat about how to look after yourself while keeping your energy-body in mind.Through sharing personal stories about growth and spirituality, Abby and her guests are always forthcoming in sharing tools and techniques to help you heal yourself in mostly every podcast episode - see, I knew you were a healer! You don't have to heal someone else to be one. This podcast offers laughter and fun and a realistic look at what healing actually means. Whether you're a professional healer in private practice, somebody's parent or caregiver, or simply someone that everybody confides in, I am sure that you'll find something in this podcast  that will help you feel better. You can contact the show via the show email: [email protected] 💫 About Abby: Abby Wynne is the bestselling author of the “One Day at a Time Diary”, “How to Be Well” and “Energy Healing made Easy.” She helps people release what is in the way of living an empowered, wholehearted life. She lives in Ireland with her husband, 4 children, and their dog and cat. The Inner Compass Trilogy is her first major work of fiction. Join Abby for pre-recorded sessions, self-paced healing programmes and live group healing sessions via https://www.abby-wynne.com, or join her on social media via Telegram - te.me/abbywynneauthor | Instagram @abbynrghealing | Facebook - Abby's Energy Healing Page |