Hal Wolf on the International Reach of HIMSS, Informa Acquiring the HIMSS Conference, and Much More

Two out of five HIMSS members live outside the United States now. This represents tremendous growth in the international reach of HIMSS, which is the subject of this interview with President and CEO Hal Wolf. The interview was held at HIMSS Europe, where HIMSS has a growing presence and a global office in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Wolf says that the problems faced by clinicians are worldwide in scope: aging populations, workforce shortages, etc. Europe, however, is “taking the lead” in two areas of regulation: AI and “data space.” These initiatives have impacts on the U.S. and other countries, who will probably follow along with their own regulations. Plus, along with talking about HIMSS Europe and other international efforts, we also took the opportunity to ask Wolf about the acquisitionof the HIMSS conference by Informa. And we asked if there’s a chance that the HIMSS conference may go to locations like San Diego or New Orleans again. Learn more about HIMSS: https://www.himss.org/ Health IT Community: https://www.healthcareittoday.com/

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