My Journey from New Age Deception to Jesus

Heaven & Healing Podcast - En podcast af Heaven & Healing Podcast

Quick show notes!   + please leave a 5 star rating and written review on whichever platform you listen or watch, and don't forget to subscribe!   + T shirt from SAVED BY CHRIST APPAREL - use discount code ANGELAMARIE at check out for 15% off your order! I mistakenly called brand by a different company at end of episode, but it’s Saved By Christ Apparel and you can find them on instagram + “BLESSED” T SHIRT GIVEAWAY: follow me on instagram @angelamarieucci, share my reel about episode one to your story and TAG ME (or else I won’t see!), and tag 3 friends in the comments! + instagram: @angelamarieucci   + Moon and Back Podcast archived for now, on this same channel! There will be no new M&B episode but am saving for now to showcase how very real this transformation is   —     If you would have told me this time last year that in 365 days time, the podcast I had JUST launched a month prior would be dead and gone… buried along with the rest of my former astrology life… because instead of an esoteric self-healing podcast, I’d be starting my own ministry to talk about how much I love Jesus, I would have asked where I could buy whatever shrooms you were tripping on! And that’s the truth. I never imagined myself to be a “Jesus person” — and frankly, I didn’t get them.   I didn’t understand why people who loved Jesus so much made it a point to let everyone else know. But it truly is one of those IYKYK things because… if you know, you know. There is nothing like His love, yes, but there is ESPECIALLY nothing like his salvation.   See, both are given to us freely — His love and salvation — but it is not up to us to be loved by Him, because we simply are. To have His love is a given. To experience His love is another thing entirely, though — because THAT is a choice. To experience his love is to first WELCOME the salvation that He is so eager, willing and joyful to give you.   Of the near decade I spent engulfed in the false light of new age spirituality — no fancy esoteric modality, technique or practice has ever brought me the true soul healing that Jesus Christ has given me in a few short months in accepting Him as my Lord and Savior.   Turns out it wasn’t a blocked charka. Turns out it wasn’t my Venus in Cancer. Turns out it wasn’t an energy imbalance. Turns out it wasn’t an old karmic debt or past-life trauma resurfacing. Turns out I didn’t need to carry an obsidian in my bra every day. Turns out, I was missing God. The TRUE, LIVING God, that is. I had formed an idol of who I believed God should be based on how I felt, as many do in the new age, so I THOUGHT I knew Him, but I was only experiencing the counterfeit Christ who tells us to follow our heart.   Jesus was clear. Follow Him. Proverbs 3:5-6   In this first episode of Heaven & Healing Podcast, I share my personal new age to Jesus testimony, talk about the difference between God’s unconditional love vs. unconditional tolerance, discuss what type of content you can expect from future podcast episodes, and so much more. The scripture focus of this episode is Isiah 47:13 — AKA the verse that finally did me in and admit astrology was not God’s will.   Can’t wait to hear your thoughts and hope you are looking forward to more.   Sending love to you all. Blessed be. Praise God!

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