Unconditional Love and Unconditional Support (Ep 55) - They Are Not One and the Same

  Unconditional Love and Unconditional Support- They are not one and the same  Narcissists can be extremely charming, nice, apologetic, and cooperative- as long as circumstances and other people are providing them with exactly what they believe they are entitled to, without any conditions. Through my years of counseling, I have met with hundreds of clinically narcissistic, Biblically foolish individuals who were masters at articulating false narratives of wanting to work on themselves and their relationships, who were experts at feigning contrition, who were pros at pretending to be repentent, changed people during their relationship counseling sessions, or who were whizzes at convincing others that they were helpless, powerless victims of circumstance.  Listen and learn how to tell the difference between unconditional love and unconditional support. Thanks for listening! For more resources from Laurel please refer to her website: https://www.slade-waggonercounselingservices.com/

Om Podcasten

Due to the overwhelming demand for the knowledge in Don’t Let Their Crazy Make You Crazy, How to stay sane and strong when the narcissist in your life is trying to control or abuse you, in this podcast I will be discussing tools and strategies from the book. There are several individuals who have reached out to me who are in need of counseling or phone advice appointments, yet cannot afford it. Additionally, there are some persons who cannot purchase the book for fear of their controllers or abusers finding the material. I believe this knowledge needs to be made available to whomever may need it, thus the launch of the podcast.