EP 30: It’s a Great Day to Recover From an Eating Disorder! Be a Boss of Your Morning With These 8 Rituals For Your AM Routine
Her Best Self | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, Disordered Eating, Relapse Prevention, Anorexic, Bulimic, Orthorexia, Body Image, Food Freedom - En podcast af Lindsey Nichol - Certified Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Food Freedom Coach, Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified
Hey Girl! Happy Monday! I hope you had such a blessed Easter weekend. While my boys were running around on candy fumes, I was preparing for the week ahead. In today's episode I share with you how to be a boss of your morning with 8 things that I do daily for my AM routine. I admit, I am NOT a morning person. But, I AM A BOSS of my mornings! In today's show, I share Mel Robbins, 5-Second Rule & High-Five Habit, which are both strategies that I implement in my own morning routine. Girl, your mood in the morning matters. & yes, you still may need that cup of coffee to get your feet on solid ground, but it's time to set the intention of the day before the day sets you (with or without your coffee)! These tips will help you prepare & plan ahead of the day, so that you can stop hitting the snooze button & can start being the BOSS of your morning & ultimately, the BOSS of your recovery! In order to recover from disordered eating, it's going to mean that you need to spend some time with yourself! Morning routines create momentum. If you need a morning routine, I got you girl! Get out your fav journal & a sparkly new pen, it's time to implement 8 things that I feel will bring peace & intention into your life. I love the question Steve Job asked himself every single morning, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do?" Go ahead, try it on you today girl! If today was your last day on the planet, would you spend it counting calories, restricting carbs, over exercising on the Peloton? I truly hope NOT! If you are looking to heal your body & your relationship with food, start today to do something new first thing in the morning! Implement one or some of these 8 & you will be even further along in your healing journey. It's a great day to recover from an eating disorder! Tune in today friend. I hope you begin to set some intentional time into your morning routine. Thanks for being here sis! If you enjoy this one, let me know! Share your most favorite takeaway from today's show. Send an email over to me & make sure to come join the free group on FB! You can find me at all the links below. & if you need more support reach out directly @ [email protected] to ask for your complimentary consult! Don't forget to apply for limited 1:1 recovery coaching where I can help you navigate your food freedom journey! with love & purpose, lindsey Find All the Things -> www.lindseynichol.com ______ Coach with Me -> [email protected] ______ Join the free FB community of women -> www.facebook.com/groups/herbestselfsociety/ ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it! Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together at www.lindseynichol.com/apply-for-coaching Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS! *While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.