EP 31: Girl, Fat Isn’t a Feeling! Body Acceptance, Weight Restoration & Reality for Your Healing Transformation
Her Best Self | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, Disordered Eating, Relapse Prevention, Anorexic, Bulimic, Orthorexia, Body Image, Food Freedom - En podcast af Lindsey Nichol - Certified Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Food Freedom Coach, Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified
Truth: Your body will continue to change. Eating disorder recovery will be the most transformational experience you may ever go through. I believe that your relationship with food, is a direct reflection to your relationship with your life & your true self. The biggest personal obstacle I faced during my own recovery journey, was the fear of weight gain & living in "a new body" following weight restoration from anorexia. Another truth: your body will be where your body wants & needs to be in order to thrive at it's best state of performance. This may result in your body changing!! In today's episode, I share different tips and things to embrace as you experience changes in your body during the recovery process. The first step is acceptance! Today's show is packed full of body acceptance, weight restoration & other realities that you may need (like letting go of body checking & that dreaded number on the scale) to support your healing transformation. Have you considered that maybe the real problem is not your actual body, but your false distorted standard of what you think your body should look like? In this episode, I bring the fire on some pretty touchy topics. I hope today's truth brings love, empowerment & insight into your own story & struggle with disordered eating. If you love today's episode, share it with a friend & let us know! Come join us in our private facebook community, where we help partner & support you on your road to food freedom. You can find us at the links below. with love & recovery hugs, lindsey Find All the Things -> www.lindseynichol.com ______ Coach with Me -> [email protected] ______ Join the free FB community of women -> www.facebook.com/groups/herbestselfsociety/ ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it! Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together at www.lindseynichol.com/apply-for-coaching Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS! *While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.