EP 37: Do You Know the Reasons Why You Eat? Get Present With Your Plate & Give Yourself Permission to Nourish Your Body

Her Best Self | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, Disordered Eating, Relapse Prevention, Anorexic, Bulimic, Orthorexia, Body Image, Food Freedom - En podcast af Lindsey Nichol - Certified Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Food Freedom Coach, Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified


In today's episode I share the winner of the FREE book giveaway! It's okay if you didn't win today girl! You can still share this show with someone if your life that you think would benefit from all we talk about here in this safe place. With each rating & review, this podcast is visible to more & more women that are desperately looking for more support with eating disorder recovery & breaking the chains from disordered eating behaviors.  In episode 37, I talk about the reasons why you eat. This episode comes straight from the heart because fear around food can be the real deal & learning to become more aware of your hunger cues is imperative for recovery & ultimate food freedom. Did you know that you make 200+ food decisions each and every day? & the brain has SO MUCH power!! The moment you eliminate anything from your diet is the very moment that you crave it. Listen in today friend for the 3 main reasons why you eat & for a message of hope to hold on to in your recovery journey. You are worthy of food. You are worthy of nourishing your body with all the best things. & you are allowed to eat for hunger, physical need & comfort. What I want to emphasis for you is that it's perfectly okay to taste & smell & nourish your body. It's okay to crave certain foods. & it's okay to completely recreate your relationship with your body & yourself. And it's not just okay, it's possible!  Lean in and HONOR your body today! & tune in to the show to walk through an exercise that will help you do just that! If you enjoy this episode, let me know! Send an email over to me @ [email protected]  & join our free group on FB! You can find me at all the links below.& if you need more support, you can find next steps at www.lindseynichol.com. Complete your recovery coaching application & let's jump on a quick connect together to see if personalized support is right for you. with love & purpose, lindsey _Find All the Things -> www.lindseynichol.com  ______ Coach with Me -> [email protected]   ______ Join the free FB community of women -> www.facebook.com/groups/herbestselfsociety/  ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it! Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together at www.lindseynichol.com/apply-for-coaching  Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS! * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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