EP 62: How to TRUST the Recovery Process When You Don’t Trust the Recovery Process + Living YOUR Authentic TRUTH
Her Best Self | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, Disordered Eating, Relapse Prevention, Anorexic, Bulimic, Orthorexia, Body Image, Food Freedom - En podcast af Lindsey Nichol - Certified Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Food Freedom Coach, Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified
Hey sis hey! Happy Monday! I'm sure you have seen on Facebook, Pinterest & all over the GRAM, the inspiring memes & quotes sharing the message of the authentic self & what it means to be living your very best life. As a society, we love the inspo, the uplift & the screen savers. Reality though...well most of us aren't actually LIVING who we really are, who we were really created to be. Living in your truth means not only showing up authentic, but doing things daily that bring you happiness, while living as true to YOU as possible....without ZERO cares from others. Living in your truth means living without manipulation from your very self, in order to be what others want you to be or what you think you should be. In Episode 52, I discuss how you can trust the recovery process as you navigate freedom from disordered eating behaviors even when you don't yet trust the recovery process. The biggest step in trusting that recovery is the best path forward for you is living according to your TRUTH. This means, getting real with your desires. You see, eating disorders & disordered behaviors are LIES. The thought that if you eat this, then you will weigh that & be miserable.....it's a LIE. The belief that you aren't worthy, aren't in control, aren't able to recover....all LIES. When we live the life we think we should live, we actually stop living the life we so desperately want to live. STOP surrendering your values, dreams, & days trapped & chained to food controlling your life & your mind. When you can accept that life is imperfect & you weren't made to be perfect in order to be truly happy...this is the moment when you will start to actually become truly happy. The TRUTH -> the very thing that was killing me....saved me. And it can save you to sis! IF you can change your mind, you can change your entire life. If you can change your belief, you can change your actions. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your future. Stop living life for everyone else. Stop trying to fit into a mold that no longer serves you. Life in your truth is a life of true freedom. Life without restriction, binging, purging, overexercising, obsessing is a life of true freedom. So why are you spending ONE MORE DAY believing the lies? Why are you spending one more day obsessing over numbers, food, calories, weight? Surrender what once was (& is), so that you can experience all that is yet to come for you & your life. Learning to TRUST the recovery process, begins when you can learn to live according to who YOU really are. Own your story & your story won't own you. Own your truth & your truth will set you free. Maybe you are unsure if freedom from disordered eating really is a thing. Maybe you feel alone & broken. Maybe you feel so far from your TRUTH that you don't even know what that looks like anymore. Sis, feelings aren't facts! Feelings aren't TRUTH. I spent so many years of my life trapped, chained & confused, only to find out that my eating disorder wanted to keep me trapped, chained & confused....& only I had the ability to find the freedom I longed for & dreamed of. Today, I hope you refuse to remain attached to the lies & begin to understand that you can trust the process without knowing all the details. You can surrender your control, simply by saying "no more". I promise....freedom from ED is available to you, just as it has been available to me! Now it's time you start believing it :) If you are ready to show up & give it all you've got to battle disordered eating once & for all, then I encourage you to listen in to today's episode & EMBRACE TRUSTING YOUR TRUTH & trusting the process. I hope today's show brings a fire under you that pushes you forward, so that, you start making the changes you need to become the very best version of you. with love & hugs, lindsey Find All the Things -> www.lindseynichol.com______ Coach with