Stinky Pits, Postpartum Body Odor, Sexy Pheromones & Clomid Funk...

Well... we took our friendship to a new level, and smelled each other's armpits. Cause, friends don't let friends walk around stinky! ;) Kaela has been struggling with body odor since having Loxley, and even more so now that she's weaning... the postpartum sweating and stinking is a real thing! And we had to check out what was actually happening under the pits, so we could see who had the most body odor... the answer surprised us!!  Make sure you check out our new YouTube channel for the on-camera version of our new episodes!! FOLLOW US FOR MORE MOM LIFE STUFF!  ➤ Instagram ➝ ➤ TikTok ➝ ➤ Facebook ➝ ➤ Twitter ➝ ➝The Hi My Name Is Mom Studio is brought to you by: The Yard Sale Store! Check out and follow on IG: ➝We're always drinking DAOU... cause it puts all the other wines to shame!! ➝We're in LOVE with Sennheiser mics for our studio!!

Om Podcasten

Jen Mayer Kulp, Corri English, and Kaela Kinney pull their real life mom convos up in front of a mic so that moms can feel seen, heard, and included… without judgement. It‘s the place for a fun, feel-good hang - where we don’t care if you breast or bottle feed, co-sleep or cry it out, sanitize a paci until it spontaneously combusts or lick it and put it straight back in baby’s mouth. The common thread is loving the crap out of these tiny humans we get to raise, while also sharing in the fact that it’s hard as sh*t. We aren’t experts, just mommas, living right in the thick of mom life. Connect with us: [email protected]