#346: How Wendy Helfenbaum Takes 4 Months Off Every Year While Maintaining a Healthy 6-Figure Income

Freelancing is amazing. Until it isn’t.   You wake up one morning and you realize that you’ve created a very demanding job for yourself.   And chances are, you take LESS time off than you ever did in any previous job you held.   Sometimes it even feels like you’re working for a tyrannical boss who makes you feel terrible any time you ask for a small break.   That boss, by the way, is YOU.   Sound familiar?   Not to Wendy Helfenbaum, my guest in this week’s episode. Wendy is an established freelance writer out of Montreal. And for the past 18+ years, she has taken 4 months off every year.   And when I say “time off,” I mean real, non-working time off. No client work. No working on the business. No marketing. No nothing.   Just time to be with her family. To decompress. To enjoy life. And to savor the freedom freelancing is supposed to afford us.   Just as impressive, Wendy has consistently maintained a 6-figure income for years—even while taking a full third of the year off.   I was super-excited to bring Wendy on the show to tell us how she does this. It was a very lively and insightful conversation. I learned so much, and I can’t wait for you to hear it.   This is a great follow-up to the where she discussed how she was able to take a 4-month maternity leave recently. If you haven’t listened to that episode, I urge you to give it a listen, because it complements this week’s episode really well.

Om Podcasten

Ed Gandia, co-author of the bestselling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, reveals how to propel your writing business to the six-figure level (or the part-time equivalent). In this nuts-and-bolts, no-nonsense podcast, you'll discover how to get better clients, earn more in less time, and bring more freedom and joy into your writing business. Ed will walk you through the practical, “doable” systems and strategies he has developed in his own writing business — the same systems he has taught his private coaching clients. He'll also show you what’s working for other business writers by bringing you real case studies from the field. And he'll share all this information in an honest and transparent way, with no hype or fluff. Topics covered include: getting better and higher-paying clients; banishing the feast-or-famine cycle; doing more of the work that excites you; how to raise your fees and rates; boosting your productivity; making your business recession-proof; discovering and leveraging your strengths; finding your niche; pricing content writing projects; pricing copywriting projects; writing white papers; writing case studies; writing web copy; writing articles; and much more.