#347: On Impostor Syndrome and Feeling Guilty About Your Fees

Think back to when you first went out on your own.   Remember those first few projects? Getting paid for your writing felt like magic, didn’t it?   You put in, say, 10 hours of work, and the client paid you $750.   Wow!   What made it magical was that the $750 was all for me. And I loved the idea that a few units of effort in would translate to a few units of compensation on the other end.   Eventually, we all get used to this kind of reward ratio. And we (rightfully) start expecting more. We may even get to a point where one hour of our time is often worth $300, $400, or more. Especially when a project goes real smoothly.   And for some solo professionals, this can start feeling odd. We feel a bit guilty that we’re earning that much on some or all of our client work.   Impostor syndrome kicks in. And that inner critic starts taking over our internal chatter.   In this week’s (short) podcast episode I get into these feelings of guilt and how to address them.   This is important stuff. Because if left ignored, these feelings will create a cascading effect of guilt and negativity that inevitably leads to self-sabotage.   I hope you find it useful.

Om Podcasten

Ed Gandia, co-author of the bestselling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, reveals how to propel your writing business to the six-figure level (or the part-time equivalent). In this nuts-and-bolts, no-nonsense podcast, you'll discover how to get better clients, earn more in less time, and bring more freedom and joy into your writing business. Ed will walk you through the practical, “doable” systems and strategies he has developed in his own writing business — the same systems he has taught his private coaching clients. He'll also show you what’s working for other business writers by bringing you real case studies from the field. And he'll share all this information in an honest and transparent way, with no hype or fluff. Topics covered include: getting better and higher-paying clients; banishing the feast-or-famine cycle; doing more of the work that excites you; how to raise your fees and rates; boosting your productivity; making your business recession-proof; discovering and leveraging your strengths; finding your niche; pricing content writing projects; pricing copywriting projects; writing white papers; writing case studies; writing web copy; writing articles; and much more.