340: How to Find Your Purpose During Uncertainty

High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset - En podcast af Dr. Cindra Kamphoff


What is the reason you are on this earth? What gets you out of bed each morning? Connecting to your purpose is a life’s journey of reflection and exploration. People who are connected to their purpose live up to 7-10 years longer, and living our purpose is connected to health, healing and happiness. Each of us has a unique purpose and living that purpose is like driving your car with a full tank of gas!   This Week’s Power Phrase: “I live and play on purpose. No one else has the same experiences, knowledge, and gifts as I do. I have a unique purpose and live that purpose.”     RICHARD'S LIEDER'S INTERVIEW ON THE HPM PODCAST: https://www.cindrakamphoff.com/leider/   FB COMMUNITY FOR LIVE PODCAST INTERVIEWS: https://www.facebook.com/drcindrakamphoff/   FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/   FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong   Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901    

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