Find your Zen and rebalance!
How is my Financial Health, Doc? - En podcast af Vu Kiet Tran

You hear about "rebalancing" often. What is it in fact? What is the purpose of rebalancing? How should you do it? Hear some answers here. My guest David MacNicol from MacNicol & Associates Asset Management will help us learn more about Rebalancing. I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021. The first one (June 4th 2021) was a success. Thank you for your support! "What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?" Empower your Future self now. Please visit: Space is limited to 20 attendees! To connect with me for mentorship/coaching related questions, please also visit: Or email me at [email protected]