When it comes to your financial health, are you dealing with a ”bike salesman” or a ”personal trainer”? Are you getting ”suitable” or ”best interest” advice?
How is my Financial Health, Doc? - En podcast af Vu Kiet Tran
I hear this very commonly from my peers: "I will discuss this with my advisor/accountant". I know for a fact that most of my colleagues who say this have never questioned whether their advisor/accountant has the knowledge or expertise to opine on the question at hand. However, they believe the "experts" without a second thought. Are they getting "best interest" or "suitable" advice? Does the expert have the appropriate knowledge to provide "best interest" advice? It is something we do not ask ourselves too often. We eventually pay dearly financially for the questions we did not ask or have avoided to ask. If you have any comments or feedback, please email me at [email protected].