Episode 79 - Better Just Us (Again)

Hello! This week we talk about Brighton Tattoo Convention, the handsome man up the Lidl, Lucie's new ghost and making friends. We have a new sponsor! Thanks to Magnum Tattoo Suplies for sorting us, and you, out. Enter 'SLEEVE10' at the checkout to get 10% off your order. We are doing another live podcast at Ink and Engines. Time and date of our bit is still TBC but get your tickets here. If you like what we do and want to hear more, please think of joining our Patreon. If more of you sign up we might do some more stuff. Follow us on Instagram @howmuch4asleeve @lucietattoo @tickersgrins

Om Podcasten

A tattoo podcast where we interview someone from the tattoo world, talk about their life in tattooing and hopefully have a right old laugh.