The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk

"The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk" by Arthur Conan Doyle, narrated by Jack Carmichael. “Human nature is a strange mixture, Watson. You see that even a villain and murderer can inspire such affection that his brother turns to suicide when he learns that his neck is forfeited." Content warning (and SPOILER ALERT!): This story contains a fairy graphic depiction of a suicide attempt by hanging. It occurs about halfway through the story. This episode is narrated by Jack Carmichael. Jack is a Kent-based Voice Over Artist/Actor and a graduate of East 15 Acting School. His personal career highlights so far include performing at Edinburgh Fringe with the comedy/puppet show "Ronnie and the Other World", puppeteering for the BBC Radio 4 Podcast "The Infinite Monkey Cage" and starring as DAX in the award-winning, sci-fi/comedy podcast "We Fix Space Junk". Jack also plays acoustic guitar, sings bass and is an amateur beat-boxer. Outside of the acting world, he enjoys running, baking and escape rooms! Find recommended reading, more stories, info about the show and more on our website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Om Podcasten

However Improbable is a podcast book club about Sherlock Holmes, by and for the people who love him. Every other week, detective lit enthusiasts Marisa and Sarah present a fresh new recording of Holmes and Watson’s adventures, and then delve into the story, its history and politics, adaptations, and why we’re still so captivated by the detective and his good doctor. Holmes himself famously said that there’s nothing new under the sun—but we’re willing to give him a run for his money.