EP 370: MOA – Reflections of the Mind: Unveiling Life’s Psychological Mirror

Have you ever considered how your deepest fears and desires shape the world you see? This exploration delves into the heart of how our personal narratives and unconscious biases craft the reality we navigate daily. Witness the power of the Projection Paradox, where hidden insecurities might colour our perceptions of loyalty and trust in those closest to us. Uncover the transformative journey of self-discovery, where recognising and embracing the shadows within can lead to profound growth and enlightenment. Learn how the act of mirroring can reveal unknown facets of your character, urging you towards a more authentic self. Engage with this deep dive into the self and embark on a path of self-awareness that promises to change not just how you view the world, but how you engage with it at every level. You can watch the video of the episode on YouTube Grab a Copy of Catherine’s Book: Shifts Only Happen Once You Own Your Sh!t Newsletter: https://catherineplano.com for transformation. Instagram@catherineplano for inspiration.

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Your ultimate resource for expanding your mind and accessing more of your brain, while experiencing unparalleled ‘aha’ moments with guaranteed radical shifts to your learning and growth. Catherine’s goal is to help you become the very best version of yourself - to live an extraordinary life by reaching your fullest potential, with self-coaching strategies to boost your confidence, make better decisions, create new habits, kickstart your motivation, get extraordinary results and build lasting change for a meaningful life that you will absolutely love! Get inspired and energised with your weekly dose of new ideas and insights.