Episode 228: Find your Purpose with Misty Sansom

The Catherine Plano Podcast - En podcast af Catherine Plano


Catherine is here today with Misty Sansom. Misty Sansom is a writer and life purpose coach who helps people to figure out exactly what they’re meant to do in life and how to make it happen. Misty grew up with the sense that there was something more – something bigger than all of us … at the same time, Misty had this opposing view that we’re just tiny specks in the universe, and that we don’t really affect the world much in our lifetime. However, one morning she received a phone call to say that her little sister had passed away, and everything changed in that second. In that moment, she realised that she had completely got it wrong - it's not that we don't mean anything; it’s that we mean everything. She felt like there was something specific that she was going to realise, and started to follow her intuition and let herself be drawn to things. Misty had realised that we have an on-going impact on the world, even after we’re gone. We can't not impact the world - we genuinely shape it forever. We become memories, thoughts, stories and ideas. And it’s through our purpose that we impact the world in the way that we are meant to, by changing the world in a way that only we can - however that looks. Find Out More About Misty Sansom Visit Misty's Website Follow Misty Sansom on Facebook Connect with Misty on Twitter @mistysansom Follow Misty Sansom on Instagram @mistysansom It’s now time to tune into this one very inspirational human being. Enjoy!