Episode 326: BC – Setting Boundaries: From Perseverance to Bountiful Inner Strength

As an empath, it’s a constant battle to set boundaries. Although boundaries are our birthright, why then do we struggle so much with setting them in the first place? There are a myriad of reasons why we loosen that boundary muscle. From my understanding and experience, boundaries are not about separation but more about self-respect, where you can share space with an individual but not invade their space. And it can be as simple as becoming better at reading the room. For example, imagine if you were having a conversation with someone and suddenly someone jumped between you and the other person 2 cm away and asked you a question about a project you were working on collectively. Now, some may argue and say that is an invasion of privacy or intrusive in nature. So, what do you do? Do you address the individual on the spot, or do you allow them to complete their question before you say anything? It can be tricky, and there are many examples; this is just one example to show you that sometimes things are not as straightforward. Why do we avoid having these conversations in the first place? Are we avoiding conflict? Do we want to help others but don’t want to be helped? Is our self-worth tied to helping others? My astrology teacher once said that having boundaries is having the courage to love, and that was like a lightning flash that broke my skull open to understanding this… Blog: Setting Boundaries: From Perseverance to Bountiful Inner Strength New Book: Shifts Only Happen Once You Own Your Sh!t The Deep Work: https://shadow.catherineplano.com.au/ Join our Newsletter for Transformation The member’s area: https://members.catherineplano.com.au/ Instagram @catherineplano for inspiration.

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