Episode 72: White Hot Truth … Clarity for Keeping It Real with Danielle LaPorte

The Catherine Plano Podcast - En podcast af Catherine Plano


Catherine is here today with Danielle LaPorte. Danielle LaPorte: I’m all for the Light — the illumination that leads to liberation. My definition of holistic includes green juice and very loud rock n’ roll; pop culture and eastern mysticism; justified anger and deeply sweet empathy. I love the game of business and multimedia. I’m saddened by greed. I believe that generous people have more to give. I stand for making money in meaningful, eco-honouring ways. I’m an introvert who rarely inserts herself into conversations, but if you ask my opinion, and especially if I have a microphone in my hand (which makes me happy), I will speak very, very clearly about matters of the heart. I think everything is a matter of the heart. My Core Desired Feelings are Radiance and Devotion, and two other words that I keep to myself. Music has saved me more than once. I want to do more yoga than I already do, I want to paint more than I have. Being my son’s mother is my greatest honour and biggest laugh — mostly, it’s him laughing at me, not with me. Not long ago he said, “So are you a philosopher?” I answered, “Ya. Well, more like, I’m very philosophical.” He thought that was hilarious. I think the best self-help is self-compassion. Really, I just want to keep offering “spiritual” backup. (I put spiritual in quotes because that’s a relative term if there ever was one.) I’m committed to being straight up, as kind as possible, and useful — right now. Now, when you’re in pain. Now, when your life is good but you know it could be so much better. Now, when you’re longing to take that hot heart of yours and really do something with it this lifetime. I love the phrase Godspeed. It reminds us that the light is right here, in a flash, and that the universe is rooting for us. Godspeed, Danielle LaPorte Find Out More About Danielle LaPorte Danielle LaPorte's Website Danielle on Facebook Danielle LaPorte on Twitter @DanielleLaPorte Danielle on Instagram @daniellelaporte Sit back, tune in and enjoy the show! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS