S3E12 Innovation Lives in Cities, with Richard Florida, economist, researcher, professor, and author

Well-known researcher, professor, and author Richard Florida joins Robb and Josh for an expansive conversation about the relationship between cities and innovation. His books include "The Rise of the Creative Class" and "The New Urban Decay," which both explore the multi-layered relationship between people and the cities where creativity becomes innovation. Richard is a sought-after speaker and his strategy firm Creative Class Group works with Meta, Microsoft, WeWork, BMW, Cirque do Soliel, and Google.

Om Podcasten

UX Magazine presents the Invisible Machines podcast. Conversational AI is going everywhere. Join great weekly conversations with experts in a podcast about conversational AI and hyperautomation, covering the intersection of UX, business, technology and design. Robb Wilson and Josh Tyson, authors of Age Of Invisible Machines, the first bestselling book about conversational AI, envisioned the moment we’re in with ChatGPT and the AI revolution. Join weekly as they continue their discussion with leading thinkers and doers.