InDesignSecrets Podcast 150
InDesign Secrets - En podcast af Blatner and Concepcion
Our Sesquicentennial Episode; Favorite Resources; Quizzler; Obscurity of the Week: Background Tasks
Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-150.mp3 (15.2 MB, 27:18 minutes)
See the Show Notes for links mentioned in this episode. The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon.
- Our sesquicentennial episode!
- We talk about 15 of our list of 150 Awesome Links and Resources, including: Bob Bringhurst's InDesign Docs blog, Adobe Master List of Adobe Blogs, InDesign Magazine Tip of the Week archives, Mordy's Fridays with Mordy webinar archive, Pattern Maker plug-in free version,, Quark to InDesign conversion guide (PDF), Adobe TV InDesign channel, InDesign Beyond the Basics, Real World InDesign, InDesignUserGroup Twitter list, InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters, 10 Tips for Troubleshooting InDesign Files, Dave Dickson's Digital Publishing blog
- A new Quizzler! Listen up, magicians: you need to make something disappear.
- Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Background Tasks
News and special offers from our sponsors:
>> Rorohiko is offering 50% off their Frame Reporter ($39) plug-in, an essential utility for getting feedback -- little tags on the page -- on the attributes of image and text frames in your document. Download the demo, click Get License... and enter the coupon code SESQUICENTENNIAL for 50% off until May 31, or 15% after that date.
>> In-Tools has a neat plug-in called Style Utilities, that does all sorts of cool tricks with text styles such as styles based on the number of lines in the paragraph, conditional styles, a super-powered Next Style function, and more. It's only $39 and has a free trial. Try it out!
To enter this episode’s Quizzler: Send an email to [email protected] with the word QUIZZLER in the subject line and as many correct answers as you can think of. You have until Sunday, June 5 (not May 31 as we said in the podcast, since we were delayed in publishing this) at midnight CDT to send in your answer, one per user! The winner will have the most correct answers, or in caes of a tie, we'll randomly choose the winner. Winner will be announced in the first podcast after June 5, 2011!--
Links mentioned in this podcast:
> Bob Levine's post about that Pesky Background Export Issue workaround (read comments for script)