From $1700/mo to $3700/mo after leaving a bad property manager company - 4 Airbnb listings in Tampa, FL

Welcome back to another episode of INTO THE AIRBNB, where we talk with Airbnb Hosts about their STR experience. Our guest for today is Laura Spaulding, an Airbnb host who owns and manages 4 listings in Tampa, Florida. She started 7 months ago and decided to go with hiring a property management company to manage her listings, after some time she noticed that the numbers didn’t make sense and not everything was being reported to her; so, she decided to start managing herself and she noticed a big difference with this change. Sponsored by Airbtics: the Affordable Accurate rental Analytics. Visit Laura's beautiful listings: Find out more at:

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Welcome to our podcast: INTO THE AIRBNB! In each episode, we interview various Airbnb hosts from all over the world and listen to their first-hand experiences and stories about short-term rentals. Are you interested in getting started on the STR business? Or are you an Airbnb host who is currently looking for tips and insights for successful hosting? Well, then this is the right place for you! Find out more about vacation rental data at Would you like to be featured in our show? Please feel free to send us an email at [email protected]