Episode 42 – Behind the Scenes During Panto Season

Martin visits Imagine HQ to see exactly what happens when the company is in the midst of the panto season.The team are all very busy with panto season just around the corner. Equipment is being tested, final props such as time machines are being created, lots of things are being glittered, final costume preparations are underway and being packed in trundles and wigs are being coiffured. Join Martin for this fascinating look into exactly what it is like during the height of the season for...

Om Podcasten

Just Imagine - a podcast series from Imagine Theatre, one of the biggest pantomime producers in the world. With over 200 professional pantomime productions under their belt, Imagine really are one of the global experts in the field of pantomime. We'll go behind the scenes to meet the people behind the company, listen to their stories and find out what 'they do for the rest of the year' when it isn't panto season. With our host Martin Ballard we'll find out what makes Imagine Theatre tick, and how they manage to put on so many productions all at the same time!