How To Increase Real Estate Production Through Paid Advertising • Shayne Hillier & Matt Cramer
Keeping It Real Podcast • Secrets Of Top 1% REALTORS ® • Interviews With Real Estate Brokers & Agents - En podcast af D.J. Paris
In this episode Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer from Real Estate Marketing and Conversion Academy describe how and why they created the academy. They talk about paid advertising and how their academy helps agents in supervising the performance and conversion of ads. Shayne discusses the process of approaching and converting leads. Matt talks about the importance of the wants and needs of an agent’s potential clients in the process of conversion. Last, Shayne talk about some dos and don’ts with marketing. If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube! Transcript D.J. Paris 0:00This episode of Keeping it real is brought to you by gogos bootcamp Are you a real estate agent looking for the very best media training program on the planet? Gogo Beth key is considered the top Instagram Realtor in the country. And her step by step training program will take your social media game to the next level, keeping it real listeners receive a special discount. So please visit Gogo That’s Gee Oh gee, oh for your special discount, and now on with the show. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real, the largest podcast made by real estate agents. And for real estate agents. My name is DJ Parris. I’m your guide and host through the show, and in just a moment, we’re going to be speaking with Shane Hillier, and Matt Kramer, from the real estate marketing and conversion Academy. Before we get to Shane and Matt, just a couple of quick reminders. Number one, please tell a friend think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from checking out our podcast and send them a link, you can always just send them right over to our website, which is keeping it real Again, keeping it real And also, please follow us on Facebook, we post all of our episodes that we do we even broadcast them live as we’re recording them. And we also find articles every day written to specifically help agents grow their business and we post them there so you can find [email protected] forward slash keeping it real. As always, we say thank you to everyone listening, we really appreciate you it’s because of you that we have this great following and we have this huge audience and we’re gonna continue to make episodes to help you take your real estate practice to the next level and now on to our interview with Shane and Matt. All right, today on the show, we have Shane Hillier, and Matt Kramer, who are co founders of the real estate marketing and conversion Academy which offers an exclusive course for realtors and marketers that teaches you how to acquire high ticket clients in under 90 days. Hillier and Kramer have generated over 280 million in combined and closed real estate volume again 280 million. They are the founders of the fastest growing marketing group on Facebook. Now to learn more about their course please visit go dot r e m CME Once again, go dot r e m CME Shane and Matt, welcome to the show. Shayne Hillier 2:49Hey, great to be here. D.J. Paris 2:51And just for our audience so that they they can identify voice to name a shame. Can you please say hello? How’s it going, everybody? Shayne Hillier 2:59I’m Shane Hillier, and happy to be here. D.J. Paris 3:01And Matt, Matt Cramer 3:02how’s it going? Everybody?