How Your Brand Can Increase Your Net Income-with Brandface- EP 196
Lab Coat Agents Podcast - En podcast af Tristan Ahumada, Jeff Pfitzer & Nick Baldwin
On this episode of the Lab Coat Agents Podcast, some very good friends of the show are back…Brandface! Tonya Eberhart and Michael Carr are talking about how their business is shifting and how they are attracting new clients. This is so relevant for every single listener. Don’t miss it! Episode Highlights: Jeff introduces Tonya and Michael from Brandface, whom many of the audience are familiar with. Tonya is the founder of Brandface. She entered the radio industry in 1988 in the sales side. She was getting doors slammed in her face. She realized that she needed to change the way that she presented herself. What are the things that successful people have in their industry? Tonya talks about how she studied it and started leading others to do the same. Michael has a background in real estate. He opened up a brokerage in his hometown and realized that his marketing was not good, which is when he met Tonya who told him he didn’t need marketing…he needed branding. His team is north of Atlanta, Georgia with 26 agents and he is the COO of Brandface, LLC. There is a big myth out there that people are going to help you build your brand. Tonya says there is a big difference between building a brand and promoting a brand. What makes you unique in your space? What does it mean to your customers? Tonya talks about taglines and stories and how she pulls out the important character traits and experiences to highlight as well as loop that back to why the customers should care. Michael says you do have to differentiate yourself and he clarifies that you can do that even if you are just getting started. Jeff asks Michael and Tonya how they guide agents into their shining star points. ‘What would you like to be known for?’ is one of questions Tonya asks clients to get them thinking about how they will build their brand. What is the meaning behind finding how to be seen differently, changing your presentation? Michael shares some personal experiences and stories about niche and reputation. What about the agent who doesn’t have the experience and connections? Jeff and Michael discuss limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are the number one distraction from getting to where you want to go. Michael shares how he personally overcame his limiting beliefs. You have life experiences that are relatable to others as well as different education. People do business with you because of what you express in your story and brand. Tonya shares an example of a brand they have developed that doesn’t really have anything to do with their experience level or what they have done in the past. How do you brand without boxing yourself in? Brandface recently did an episode on Social Genius by Drunk on Social - make sure to check it out! “It is not even about virality anymore, it is about dialing in”, says Jeff. Michael and Tonya agree and share their advice. Michael loves the podcast space but he says it is not about millions of listeners. The focus is on community. You can make just as much money with a small sphere of influence…Michael explains how. Tonya discusses the shift from mass media to “me media” and how Social Media has evolved too. Michael talks about the importance of network and a story with a client who had a community of 130 people across the nation that generated 15 million dollars in sales, half of her total sales. How are you monetizing your influence no matter what the size? Michael and Tonya share ideas to strategize. Jeff talks about the importance of podcasting and connection. Tonya and Michael weigh in with their opinions. Resources Mentioned: Lab Coat Agents | Website | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Instagram Jeff Pfitzer | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter Follow Up Boss (Sponsor) Chime (Sponsor) Z buyer (sponsor)