It’s All About Cultivating Relationships-with Jeff Pfitzer-EP101
Lab Coat Agents Podcast - En podcast af Tristan Ahumada, Jeff Pfitzer & Nick Baldwin
During this episode of the Lab Coat Agents Podcast, Jeff Pfitzer gets interviewed by Tristan Ahumada, the Founder of Lab Coat Agents. Besides acting as the regular host of this podcast, Jeff is also a Regional Manager at USA Mortgage in St. Louis. Jeff is considered THE video guy in the real estate industry, so pay attention to learn how Jeff uses video to cultivate relationships, which leads to success in business and life! Episode Highlights: Jeff graduated with a degree in Media Communicates from Webster University in St. Louis. For his final project in 1999, Jeff was required to create a product, ultimately creating the ad campaign for a male sex pill Erecto. Many agents and loan officers want to make that shift into social media without disrupting their real estate businesses. Prior to getting into the mortgage industry, Jeff was the mascot for the St. Louis Cardinals. As a Suite Manager for the Blues, Jeff hated that he did not have any control over his career growth. At his first job in the mortgage industry, Jeff was trained in a Boiler Room environment. Back in 2008, USA Mortgage began to focus on purchases which was the best move they have ever made. In 2015, Jeff noticed a guy in his market that was conducting “coffee talks” on Facebook live. After starting his own Facebook live content before everyone else, Jeff became the video expert in the real estate industry. Jeff figured out that if he could make himself the authority in a certain area, it will only attract more people to his brand. As a very likable person, Jeff has mastered the art of creating relationships, a skill that goes very far in real estate. The ultimate goal for real estate agents is to get their phone to ring with people looking for an agent. By providing agents what they need that they’re not getting elsewhere, Jeff has been able to elevate his status in the industry. Due to COVID, agents have had to find other ways to create more relationships and opportunities for themselves. Most salespeople make the mistake of talking about themselves as soon as they enter the room. By taking interviews with as many people as possible, Jeff has been able to make great content and make people feel special. Jeff unknowingly did what nobody else would and followed through for Tristan, thus opening his door for opportunity. Before getting into real estate, Jeff had ownership in a handful of different businesses that weren’t making him money. Jeff knows that all of his different businesses and content provide value and bring growth to his mortgage business. Now that the world has shifted to digital, businesses can scale at a much faster speed. The best way to utilize the value that is provided by the shift to the digital world is to embrace everything that comes with it. After 6 months of immersing himself in TikTok, Jeff realized the value that it brought to the business world. Clubhouse de-evolved at exactly the right time, giving people something different than the countless webinars that are being conducted. Unlike its other social media counterparts, having followers isn’t the most important aspect of Clubhouse. Originally, Jeff found himself motivated by money, but now it is more about doing it for the love of the game. Jeff is incredibly excited to do small-group mastermind classes because he can get intimate with everyone involved. With so many different activities taking up his time, Jeff has to remain incredibly disciplined to keep a balanced relationship between work and family. If your goal is to build up your brand on social media, know that there is going to be pain and sacrifice along the way. Conferences should be seen as an opportunity to learn from those that have done what you want to do. The biggest mistake made by most entrepreneurs is forgetting to include their family in big decisions. 3 Key Points: After entering the Facebook live arena before most other people, Jeff started to get noticed, getting invited to masterminds and being asked for insight on video content. Now, he is the video guy in the real estate industry. When building new relationships, agents need to focus on 2 things: ask questions and listen better, and figure out how you can deliver value to anybody. Clubhouse provides people with the opportunity to be in a breakout room and the ability to share the knowledge in their heads without having to sell. Resources Mentioned: Lab Coat Agents (website), (Facebook), (Facebook Group), (Twitter), (Instagram) Jeff Pfitzer (314) 220-4945, website, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Business Video School Hacking Marketing Boiler Room RedX (sponsor) StreetText (sponsor)