The Psychology Of A Real Estate Transaction-with Scott Harris- EP 177

Lab Coat Agents Podcast - En podcast af Tristan Ahumada, Jeff Pfitzer & Nick Baldwin


On today's episode, Jeff is talking to Scott Harris. He has done over a billion dollars in volume in his career of 20 years. He also has a  podcast called Finding Homes. They discuss the  difference between investing in a city like New York versus anywhere else and about how brokers can help investors with sizing up apartments and working in high-rise buildings. Don’t miss out! Episode Highlights: Scott played high school Football, which is a fun thing to always talk about with folks and that really informed the way he thinks about teamwork and what all you can do. Scott spent the first six years out of college touring with a vocal group as a singer and writing music and touring the USA and when there was a natural stopping point. He moved to New York in 2002 and for the last 20 years he has been doing real estate. Scott never made more than 40 grand a year before he got into real estate; He was just paying his rent and getting by running his own life. As per Scott, a lot of agents will tell you that it's about five years when you get your feet under you for real and start to get a lot more listing side business. What is the biggest difference between New York City and another market? Scott shares his journey with how real estate grew for him. Scott has always been a marketer and he loves writing and music. In 2009, he launched his newsletter and started putting on his own content thinking about the market and sharing it. The companies that are succeeding at the highest levels- their CEOs are the ones putting themselves out there and giving you a backstage pass to their life, and that's imperfect, says Jeff. Everybody Scott ever met gets marketed to in a thoughtful way or in a way that adds value. It's been very surprising how much value he has been able to add to the brokerage community.  Scott sends newsletters twice a month to the same people. He thinks at the very least in New York, you can put yourself out there once a month. Everything is pushing people in opposite directions but the one universal thing that everybody goes through is to buy a home and that's a ri of passage that everybody can agree on, says Scott. The real estate agent doing his work will never say that you are kind of a therapist first and an agent second, says Scott. You have to know which people need data to make decisions. You not only have to hit on the data, but you also have to hit on the emotion, says Scott. 3 Key Points: By 2014, Scott was ranked in the top 250 list in the entire United States and that's not easy to do where there are many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of real estate agents. He shares how he navigated that. As per Scott it's very competitive in New York, but everybody can do the business. There is so much business to do and make billions of dollars in business there. When we coach on social media all the time, we talk about creating content around what you're already doing with your life. If you're a tomato gardener, share it. There's going to be people out there that can resonate with that and enjoy that content far more than you talk about, says Jeff.   Resources Mentioned:  Lab Coat Agents | Website | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Instagram  Jeff Pfitzer   | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter Follow Up Boss (Sponsor) Chime (Sponsor) Z buyer (sponsor) Street Text (sponsor)   Scott Harris:

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