True Personal Happiness is Key to Effective Leadership-with Jenn Lim- EP 140

Lab Coat Agents Podcast - En podcast af Tristan Ahumada, Jeff Pfitzer & Nick Baldwin


On today’s episode of “Lab Coat Agents Podcast” Jeff talks to guest Jenn Lim (Author of Book called ‘Beyond Happiness’), she shares how we can find more happiness and harmony so that we can be both successful and happy in life. They discuss how happiness is not all about highs; it is also about understanding our lowest points, too. Tune in for this valuable insight on leadership!   Episode Highlights: Jeff says that it's always a challenge to keep everyone happy & humming, concurrently. Jenn and Tony Hsieh (Ex CEO of Zappos) launched the ‘Delivering Happiness’ book in 2010 and from that point in time they realized there was a demand for happiness in the world.  ‘Delivering Happiness’ company essentially helps organizations, teams, governments, hospitals, and any workplaces to understand how you apply scientific happiness to your people. All the research that's been going on with scientific happiness says it is actually those that are happier, that are more successful. There's actual data and research of people wanting to understand what we can actually focus on, so that we're not thinking about what's wrong with us. But we can think about what's actually right with us, and focus on those things in a more positive way.  Jeff asks Jenn, how do you articulate the whole money and happiness thing? If money's not making you happy, you're not spending it the right way. It means you are spending it meaningfully for yourself and the people you love. If you really are doing this for the people you love, including yourself, then do you have that  prioritization in your time on a day-to-day basis in place? How can we refocus our energy, refocus our time to make sure we can wake-up every morning feeling solid, that we're aligned by that? Understand your own personal highs & lows, to have a more accurate picture of who you are as a human being and how you want to live and how you want to spend your time. The most important thing that we need to do right now, especially after COVID, is to set these schedules and rituals. Everyone wants to be treated as a human being not just as an employee or as a worker. When you are having a conversation and holding up the mirror, you don't have to be the mechanic. Jenn says, to her, beyond happiness means being more real about all the different layers and sides of who we are. If we're truly realistic about what our other sides are, not just the highs, but the lows, not just the strengths, but the shadows, then that's where meaningful happiness comes in.  Ask yourself three questions, first: “Where does your energy lie?” That's a question for your purpose. Second: “Where're your talents?” The third thing is impact- “What is it that you, as a human being, want to make an impact on the world?” Once you as a leader have the purpose and values together, the next thing is to start with yourself and then go through it with five leaders in your company and just see the results.  Three Key Points: As we grow and build, just don't forget to nurture your own greenhouse as well. We all get to know ourselves best in terms of doing the deep dive, answering the hard questions like, “What's most meaningful to us and are we living our life that way? We all like to focus on the positive sides or the positive things that happen in our life; But we also need to be real about what's not going well. Resources Mentioned: Lab Coat Agents | Website | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Instagram  Jeff Pfitzer   | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter Jenn Lim     | | Book - Beyond Happiness: Street Text  (Sponsor) Follow Up Boss (sponsor)

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