188. Good News...Oil Has No Impact On Lash Glues (no matter what brand you use)

LashCast - En podcast af LashCast


Do you tell your clients to avoid oil-based products with the thought if they do, it will hurt your client's lash retention? Do you tell clients to apply oil on the lashes if they want to help to remove lashes on their own? It's okay if you do...this has been taught in our industry for the last 18 years. We have some news for you today. Lash glues are not affected in any way by oil. Oil does not break down the glue and cause it to come off. Oil does not affect lash retention at all. I know this goes against everything you have been taught but one just needs to do a little research on cyanoacrylate, and you'll learn that the adhesive is actually oil proof by nature. I bet some of you are saying, "Paul...you dummy...I had a client use an oil-based makeup and all her lashes fell out...that's all the proof I need". While I'm sure it appeared that was the reason, I can assure it you are connecting dots that can't be connected. If you ever take our lash retention course you'll understand better then. The real reason why clients' lashes don't last is because of your technique...not because of the glue. Sorry to be a party pooper but that is just the truth...you can listen to other episodes (check out #145) where we discuss this. In this episode, we discuss this in great detail and talk about an experiment we did to prove that this is true. We also posted a couple of videos on our Instagram page that you should check out that show how you can still lash a client while there is actually oil on a client's lashes...and the lashes hold up just fine for the next two weeks. ANNOUNCEMENTS:⁣⁣⁣ LASHCAST'S ELEVATE BUSINESS INTENSIVE We will be in Australia March 4-13 and while we are there we will be hosting our Elevate Business Intensive at two locations. This is a one-day course where we give you tools that will help you manage and grow your business. Here is where will be: LBA Lashes near Sydney on March 7th LINK TO CLASS: https://bit.ly/3Bedyzc Elleebana Headquarters near Gold Coast on March 10th LINK TO CLASS: https://bit.ly/34TS8vi Once we have the class sign-up page, we will post it on Instagram and update our show notes. TUSSANEE'S LASH RETENTION AND STYLING COURSE Feb 26-27 in Scottsdale, Arizona / LINK: https://bit.ly/33bZ867 DISCOUNT CODE FOR SCOTTSDALE CLASS: "SCOTTSDALE300" April 9-10 in Austin, Texas / LINK: https://bit.ly/2RQxwNL May 14-15 in New York / LINK: https://bit.ly/3fkHmzO June 4-5 Los Angeles, California / LINK: https://bit.ly/3njkUM6 Our classes are up for sale on our website: www.lashcastproductions.com Or go to our IG page and look for the link in the bio. If you can't make the class, we'll have a replay available. ⁣JOIN OUR LASHCAST INSIDER CLUB:⁣⁣⁣ Join the coolest club in the lash industry. You'll get discount codes to our webinars, trainings, LashCon, and our upcoming coaching program. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Go here to sign up: https://bit.ly/3eG7RPT ⁣⁣⁣ IG: ⁣⁣⁣ @lashcastpodcast⁣⁣⁣ @thelashconference.con⁣⁣⁣ Join our free Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/lashcastpodcast/⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Contact Paul Luebbers: [email protected]

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