#183: Finding Your Magic in the Workplace

*Hosted by Stéphanie Moles-Rota*In this new episode of Leaders in Value Chain, I had as guest Maria Pia De Caro, the EVP of Integrated Operations and S&R at Pernod Ricard. We looked back at her career and reflected on the lessons learned. Initially, Maria strived to be the "best," but later realized the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance. Her ambitious transformation agenda focuses on digitalization, supply chain optimization, and adapting to emerging trends.Maria Pia highligh...

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Leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics Podcast is one of our projects focused on bringing some of the best thought leaders in the industry, pick their brains and share it with as many interested listeners as possible.We want to connect you with global experts, thought leaders, and executives in all things value chain. We talk about Supply Chain's leading-edge technologies, leadership stories, and personal success habits.