Bite your LMS with Arist

Innovation is a process.    Innovation is also something that many fear more often than they’d like to admit. This can sometimes hinder our ability to accept change and embrace a new generation that looks different than our own. Remember, not all of our predecessors embraced the change that we brought with us. Use  Esports as a modern-day case. Organizations that aren’t quick to embrace change often fall behind while the winds of change blow past them.    In this Learning Tech Talks, I bring back Michael Ioffe from Arist to talk about the emerging trends coming out of forward-thinking LMS  platforms that embrace tech that resonates differently with a new generation of learners and how organizations are finding success in ways previously unthinkable.

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Join Christopher as he navigates the diverse intersection of business, technology, and the human experience. And, to be clear, the purpose isn’t just to explore technologies but to unravel the profound ways these tech advancements are reshaping our lives, work, and interactions. We dive into the heart of digital transformation, the human side of tech evolution, and the synchronization that drives innovation and business success. Also, be sure to check out my Substack for weekly, digestible reflections on all the latest happenings.