This Month in Palestine - June

June was the 9th month of the Israeli onslaught of Gaza, in this episode we briefly summarise the key events. Most notable is the new status quo emerging in Gaza, a status quo intended to exhaust its inhabitants and to cause maximum destruction to civilian infrastructure. Additionally, we saw tensions flare up along the Lebanese border, with all-out war looking increasingly likely unless a ceasefire is reached in the meantime, another topic of discussion in this episode.

Om Podcasten

"Let's Talk Palestine," a truly thought-provoking podcast, aims to shed an illuminating light on the occupation of Palestine. Whether you're a newcomer to the subject or a seasoned advocate, join us on this electrifying platform for incisive dialogues and provocative insights. We're resolutely committed to pushing the boundaries and fostering a meaningful and respectful dialogue that paves the way for a brighter, more just, and equitable future for all. With a kaleidoscopic approach, we will dive into the history, politics, culture, and daily realities of the Palestinian people.