This Week in Palestine - 22.04.24-29.04.24

As the international escalation between Iran and Israel begins to die down again for now, in this episode we shift our attention back to the reality on the ground in Gaza from the last week. In this time, we saw the uncovering of mass graves containing over 300 bodies, many of which with evidence of serious human rights abuses such as torture and mutilation. We also shortly turn our attention to the growing demonstrations on US college campuses demanding divestment from companies profiting off the genocide in Gaza.

Om Podcasten

"Let's Talk Palestine," a truly thought-provoking podcast, aims to shed an illuminating light on the occupation of Palestine. Whether you're a newcomer to the subject or a seasoned advocate, join us on this electrifying platform for incisive dialogues and provocative insights. We're resolutely committed to pushing the boundaries and fostering a meaningful and respectful dialogue that paves the way for a brighter, more just, and equitable future for all. With a kaleidoscopic approach, we will dive into the history, politics, culture, and daily realities of the Palestinian people.