5 Ways To Increase Your Database Engagement

Working your database is a surefire way to generate a ton of business without bringing in any new leads. But in order to convert your contacts into clients or referrals, you have to have an engaged database.   You have to turn the names and email addresses you’ve collected into a true audience that reads and responses to your content. Here’s the simple secret: the more valuable our content is, the more engaged our database will be. That in turn, makes it so much easier to get responses to our offerings.   What kind of content should we be putting in front of our database? How do we make database engagement as much of a habit as lead generation? In this video, I share 5 simple ways to get more engagement out of your database.   End every communication with a soft offering to help someone. If you give people valuable content, they will be okay with you asking to do business with them. -Greg Harrelson     Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode   -Don’t be shy to make the ask As salespeople, it’s critical to put our offerings in front of people. If we’re contacting them regularly, how do we make a passive offer instead of an aggressive, direct one?   -The power of an engaged database There’s a big difference between a collection of contacts and an actual engaged database. How do we turn a stranger into a source of business?   -The art of drip campaigns If you contact your database too much, you’ll get more opt-outs. If you contact them too little, they’ll forget about you. What’s the sweet spot?

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